Community Support United
Location | Phone Number | |
Based at Maidstone Police Station |
101 |
Please use Kent Police online reporting system to contact the CSU |
If you wish to report a crime to Maidstone Police Station telephone 101 or Crimestoppers free on 0800 555 111, however 999 should be used in all emergencies.
All police non-emergency contact numbers have changed to '101' no matter where you are in the country or which force is required.
Kent Police can also be contacted by text:
Text the word 'police' then leave a space and write your message including what and where the problem is. Send your text to 60066 (the Kent Police communications centre) and we will reply with a message. If a reply message is not received quickly, please try one of the other methods of communication shown on our website.
The main Kent Police Facebook site is regularly updated with news and advice and allows us to answer your queries about policing in Kent. Please do not report a crime using this method.
Our main Kent Police Twitter Page @kent_police is updated every day with news headlines and crime prevention advice. Again, it gives us the chance to answer your queries and pass on timely information. Your local site is available here.
Kent Police have videos on YouTube offering crime prevention advice, safety tips and news on what's happening in Kent.
The Kent Police online beat meetings are another way for communities to talk to their neighbourhood officers, tell us what communities want us to be working on and to find out what we are doing about crime and ant-social behaviour in the community.
We Upload images, including CCTV images, to Flickr, particularly where we are appealing to identify individuals or locate people. We also use Flickr to publish pictures of property we have seized, trying to reunite them with the owners.
All of this information and web links to Twitter / YouTube / online beat meetings / Flickr can be found on the website.
Information for residents
MBC and Kent police build processes that support residents. It’s important that they use the following to ensure issues are recorded and safeguarding issues can be monitored.
Police matters: My Community Voice (MCV) is a new two-way engagement tool set up by Kent Police for residents, businesses and community groups in Kent and Medway. MCV will enable Kent Police to update users with news, alerts, appeals, engagement events and general policing activities. Members of the public can choose what information they receive from us and how they receive it – whether that’s by email, text or voice mail. They can also share or reply to the messages they receive, enabling improved two-way communication, information sharing and problem-solving opportunities for the force.
Residents should report all crimes and ASB to the police. The easiest way to do this is by calling 101 or online www.kent.police.uk/ro/report/. This now includes a live chat feature.
In an emergency 999.
Residents can also report anonymously via www.crimestoppers-uk.org or 0800 555 111.
Also for young people www.fearless.org is a site where young people can access non-judgemental information and advice about crime and criminality. It also allows them to report anonymously issues or concerns.
Nuisance and community issues: Report via www.maidstone.gov.uk or here